Go San Jose Earthquakes!!!

Noah had his first soccer "game/practice" this week for team San Jose Earthquakes.  Scott took him since the baby had just fallen asleep and even Grandpa and Grandma came to support.  You know the phrase where people say "She came out dancing!"?  Well Noah, he came out loving soccer.  As early as he could recognize a ball he's loved them, soccer being his favorite. He LOVES it.  And I have to say, we didn't even pressure him into it, which is probably why I try so hard to accommodate this passion of soccer in Noah.  Not because I want him to play, but because he wants to play so badly.  I may have fibbed and said he was older than he was since you have to be three and he would have missed the deadline by 5 days.  Without wanting to sound bias, he was the biggest kid on the team and probably had the best skills anyway so I guess I can still sleep at night. Scott was very into it making sure he had the full attire.  One of the few times I can remember Scott asking me to go shopping. :) Yesterday we took Noah to a BYU football game.  I was surprised at what a trooper he was!  It was sooo hot and he was so sweaty but didn't complain all that much.  His favorites included: the canon that was shot off whenever points were scored, the cougar sound playing in the stadium every now and then as well as Cosmo.  He even got into the cheering which was cute.  Other than that, we are gearing up for an awesome Cars birthday party for Noah on Friday, September 14th.  It is supposed to rain on Monday, his actual birthday, so we're pushing it to the weekend.  I'll try to take some pictures and post so you can witness the awesomeness of Lightning McQueen.


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